Smart Customization

Managing smart customization

Smart Customization starts with translating the technical product knowledge within your company into commercially configurable products for your customers.
In the manufacturing industry it is crucial that you can quickly respond to changing demand from the market and the business. To achieve this, you must be able to configure, calculate and quote effectively.
The crux: Integration of Sales and Basic Engineering in knowledge-driven “Sales Engineering”.
The solution: Information exchange from sales to service thanks to an integral data backbone

Smart Customization is not possible without end-to-end product data management.

The implementations of 'Smart Customization' in the manufacturing industry are often very diverse. In addition to the countless Excel sheets in which an attempt is made to rationalize and standardize the building blocks of the product portfolio and then generate (customer) specific variants, there are of course also island solutions such as a sales and/or product configurator. With the PRO.FILE end-to-end Data Backbone, all the different ICT islands are connected and data and documents from all departments and systems (CAD, ERP, PDM/PLM) are bundled into one central database. Here, product data and documents flow together in digital form and are then linked to each other. The result is a clear insight into the total life cycle of a product.
PDM, DMS, PLM and Sales-& Product configurator in one powerful solution.

We guide you in implementing 'smart customization' so that you can respond flexibly, effectively and efficiently to customer requests, but also allow your product portfolio to grow with both the company and the market itself. This means that products can be put on the market earlier by reducing development time and costs through smart reuse and classification.
More benefits:

  • More efficient engineering hours
  • Reduction of specification errors
  • Shorten order lead time of machines
  • More time for product development

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