Belangrijke documenten en gegevens mogen niet verloren gaan of onbruikbaar worden binnen uw bedrijf
PRO.FILE maakt automatisch kopieën van uw documenten door deze op te slaan in TIF, PDF en PDF/A-formaat. De gegevens blijven beschikbaar en leesbaar, zelfs als oude CAD-systemen of overige toepassingen niet meer in gebruik zijn. PRO.FILE voorkomt zo het verlies van belangrijke documenten binnen uw organisatie.
Important documents and data may not be lost or become unusable within your company
PRO.FILE automatically makes copies of your documents by storing them in TIF, PDF and PDF / A format. The data remains available and readable even if old CAD systems or other applications are no longer in use. PRO.FILE thus prevents the loss of important documents within your organization.
Companies are increasingly challenged to:
The added value of PRO.FILE:
PRO.FILE automatically saves your work. You can be sure that you always have all documents that are required to comply with laws and regulations.
Your benefits: High level of security, prevention of damage through protection, better quality, lower costs and faster turnaround times.
Protection of data Protect and protect product knowledge within your company. With PRO.FILE, you can be sure that all your data and documents are available to anyone who needs them at any time and from any location. At the same time PRO.FILE prevents unauthorized persons from gaining access to your data and protects all information relating to your product and product development. Protect your sensitive business data with PRO.FILE and prevent unauthorized access, industrial espionage, sabotage and theft of your data and documents.
Electronic archive The Electronic Archive is the secure and centralized storage of data, documents and CAD models within a company. PRO.FILE helps you to store data securely and to achieve efficient workflows within your company. By storing all data and documents in the Electronic Archive, you can ensure that drawings, contracts, letters, e - mails and other types of documents are always available. PRO.FILE ensures immediate availability of data and secure and reliable archiving. Regardless of whether it concerns archiving, long-term, technical documents or archiving of data that are necessary for audit purposes or that are prescribed by regulations and guidelines
PRO.FILE Import XL Fast and automatic input of external data Companies often receive data from third parties such as bills of materials or drawings where it is of great importance that they are documented in PRO in a structured manner. FILE. Manual entry of this data requires a lot of time and discipline. Especially for this purpose, PLM Xpert has developed the Import XL to automatically import documents, parts lists and projects into PRO.FILE. The Import XL is specifically designed for importing files and PRO.FILE objects into PRO.FILE from a Microsoft Excel file. The Microsoft Excel file contains metadata about the relevant objects such as classification, description and the file location according to a specific layout. A new import using the Import XL results in a structure in PRO.FILE with the corresponding files as desired. With the Import XL, documents, product structures and projects can be entered automatically in PRO.FILE.
More about Import XL
Document Management for document control en workflow
Product structures, articles en BOM's under controll
Process management to the PLM process level
Structure and manage your projects
Manage and automate PLM processes
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With our successful approach we ensure the optimal return of PRO.FILE for its customers. With more than 100,000 workstations, PRO.FILE is now one of the leading DMS/PLM systems in SMEs and larger medium-sized businesses.