Replacing your existing PDM system

This event is in the past.
  • PRO.FILE Webinar

Your current data management system is 'end-of-life' or no longer meet your wishes and requirements. At this point the question arises: How do I want to deal with my product data in the future? You want to keep and migrate the existing data. But where to and how do I survive this challenge.

Remote; from behind your ow desk
19/03/2021 09:00 - 09:45
45 minutes

Replacing your existing PDM system - A threat or an opportunity?

With our information during this webinar, you can make a more defined and well-considered decision. We will show the functional elements of a PLM system and the PLM added value that companies can expect today and how this can be realized. Thanks to many years of experience, PLM Xpert has different methods and strategies to share with you. Which approach is successful and what are the pitfalls of an migration project. We have the know-how!

Inhoud van het webinar:

  • Beslissingsdilemma's bij vervanging
  • Wat zijn de bedrijfsdoelen? Wat past bij de strategie en visie
  • CAD beheer, PDM, of doorgroeien naar PLM
  • De meerwaarde van een dedicated of CAD en ERP neutrale PLM oplossing
  • De migratie: beproefde methodieken met goed resultaat
  • Praktijkvoorbeeld: zo werkt een PDM-vervanging
  • Case studies en ervaringen van bedrijven die u voorgingen
  • Meld u aan via het onderstaande aanmeldformulier voor de online kennisoverdracht door de PLM Xperts.
    Wij verheugen ons op uw deelname.

remote - vanachter uw eigen computer

Content of the webinar:

  • Challenges and dilemmas of a replacement decision
  • What are the business goals? What fits the strategy and vision
  • CAD management, PDM/PLM
  • The added value of a dedicated or CAD and ERP neutral PLM solution
  • The migration: proven methods with good results
  • Case study: this is how a PDM replacement works
  • Case studies and experiences of companies that came before you
  • Register via the registration form below for the online knowledge-transfer by the PLM Xperts.
    We look forward to your participation.

remote - from behind your own computer