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05 October 2016
Product Lifecycle Management: a piece of cake
06 September 2016
Simplexity meets PLM. This is the slogan for our PRO.FILE User Events this year. As our customer, You are cordially …
09 April 2016
Comprehensive overhaul management and the assurance of quality processes are of great importance in the automotive …
29 March 2016
Due to the overwhelming number of participants, we had to exchange the Demaco boardroom for the company cafeteria. We …
04 January 2016
With the introduction of PRO.FILE 8.6, PROCAD will provide PLM best practice application packages tailored to the needs …
10 December 2015
What's on your wish list? You may want to improve quality and processes. Or make an efficiency boost with CTO and …
21 October 2015
After an extensive selection, Nijhuis industries selected PRO.FILE as the PLM system for the Nijhuis businesses. …
14 October 2015
Some reactions; "valuable", "very concrete and practical", "educational and enlightening", "what a good way to hear …
12 June 2015
Two separate PDM systems from two different sites merge to a unified PLM platform for a unified company. PRO.FILE …
21 May 2015
Vekoma Rides Manufacturing B.V. and Duiker Combustion Engineers. These companies belong to the absolute top in the …