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29 April 2015
At Palfinger Ned-Deck, the introduction of PLM did not stop with comprehensive version management. This was just part …
16 February 2015
Tramper Technology makes a solid growth thanks to clear choices in the field of innovation and flexibility. The …
08 January 2015
The Austrian manufacturer of installations for industrial air purification, the company Scheuch GmbH, uses PRO.FILE as …
17 June 2014
On June 5, 2014 PLM Xpert organized a well-attended day for customers in an appropriate and inspiring location: …
23 April 2014
The NSA eavesdropping scandal has made it clear once again that the issue of "data security" cannot be taken lightly. …
08 April 2014
In April 2014 J&B Grijpers choose for the implementation of PRO.FILE as Product Data Management solution. Based on a …
01 April 2014
VMI Group structures the development of the production machines for tires. With the introduction of SolidWorks 3D CAD …
10 March 2014
What started with the need of a (potential) customer to gain experience with an existing PRO.FILE user, grew into a …