Reduction of data diversity

Dezelfde data voor iedereen. Medewerkers van verschillende afdelingen en met verschillende functies zien allemaal dezelfde data.

Als onderdelen en documenten niet in een keer kunnen worden gevonden moeten ze worden 'herontworpen' met een hoge inspanning en dito uitgaven. Uniforme gegevens zijn essentieel voor een naadloos, foutloos proces en dragen bij aan een duidelijke kostenvermindering. Dit is vooral van belang wanneer er bedrijfslocaties zijn in verschillende landen.

Reduction of data diversity

The same data for everyone. Employees from different departments and with multiple data see the same data.

If parts and documents can not be found at once, they have to be 'redesigned' with a high effort and expense. Uniform data is essential for a seamless, error-free process and contributes to a clear cost reduction. This is especially important when there are business locations in different countries. PRO.FILE automatically sends article master data from engineering to work preparation, production and purchasing. Conversely, engineering receives information about standard articles and articles that have the preference of purchasing. The PDM software automatically compares the names and properties of articles. This prevents work preparation and production parts and assemblies from giving different names. The result is pure and uniform. Synchronizing article master data is an important aspect of the integration of ERP and PDM.

The added value of PRO.FILE:

  • Search functions, visualization and clear display of search results make it easier to find the right information.
  • The PRO.FILE graphical user screens, reference lists and messages are multilingual. Every user finds the results in the native language.
  • With PRO.FILE you can organize and classify data with maximum transparency and accessibility.
  • Reducing the diversity of components leads to savings in inventory, data management and maintenance / service.

More on PRO.FILE platform solutions:

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